Structure a webpage with html
This blog is all about html and types of tag's in html
It's a collection of web pages. or we can say that is hosted on someone else computer.
eg ->
Two Types Of Website
- Static website :- It means the website whose content remain same or constant every time we visit it.
Therefore, static websites are faster then other type of website. There is no interaction with database.
eg -> - Dynamic Website :- It means the website whose contnet change dynamically and the content will be
different from user to user. They are connected with database.
eg ->
HTML(hypertext markup langage)
HTML is used to structure the webpage and its content. It contain different type of elements or tags to structure the webpage.
eg -> paragraph tag <p></p>
,heading tag <h1></h1>
and many more..
There are mainly two type of tags
- Conatiner tags or paired tags
- Standalone tags or self closing tags
Conatiner tags
when the tag consists of an opening tag and a closing tag then it is known as container/paired tag. So whatever is in between these opening and closing tag will be displayed on the webpage. eg ->
Standalone tags
when the tag only has an opening tag and does not have a closing tag then it is knwon as standalone/self closing tag. eg ->
๐ I hope this blog helps you to get started with HTML. Drop a reaction if you like this blog and Any feedback is appreciated. Do follow me will be rolling out more blogs in my fullstack journey.
,Web Development